Last Tuesday I saw myself shooting my first Olympic Games related PR shoot. It was at the Weymouth & Portland Sailing Academy on behalf on McDonalds.
McDonalds are a major sponsor behind the 2012 Olympics and have donated their facilities and expertise to help train up all the required Voluntary helpers needed to host the games.
The photo opportunity in Weymouth was the start of the regional interviews for the selection of the ‘Games Makers’. In attendance was: Chris Holmes, LOCOG Director of Paralympic Integration and 9 times Paralympic Gold Swimming Medallist. Nick Maybour, local McDonalds franchisee and Chris English, McDonalds Head of Volunteering.
The brief was to shadow the main photo call so that McDonalds has copies of all the official staged shots, as well as to record as many relaxed and informal shots of the McDonalds Execs mixing & chatting with ‘Games Makers’ and interviewers.
Heres a few from the edit.
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