Sherborne Wedding Photographer
As a Sherborne Wedding Photographer capturing Eleanor & Stephens simple ceremony and drinks reception, the 3 hr coverage passed by in no time at all! The day that I had to capture was short and sweet. A party was planned for the following weekend, something I wasn’t available to capture.
The historic town of Sherborne, mid week and the allure of a simple wedding ceremony. No bridal preparations or formalities such a speeches and other expectations. The romantic simplicity of everyone rolling up to the registry office and hanging out for a few hours. I loved the idea and love what we captured. Plenty of fun and energy between Eleanor & Stephen, their family and friends.
Best Wedding Photographers Sherborne
The style was amazing. What an idea to get a friends Ford Capri as the Bridal Car. A work of genius – why haven’t I seen this before? Eleanor’s stunning dress was made by her Mum, so once informed, of course I had to do a few more frames just to capture the detail.
Looking back at these images it almost looks as though someone is there prompting Eleanor & Stephen with joke after joke. So many images of animated, deep belly laughing going on through out their day. It’s beautiful to see a couple so happy and full of laughter upon their wedding day.
From a few brief hours as a Documentary Sherborne Wedding Photographer capturing their day, I have a number of images that I love. They bring something new to my memory bank of shared experiences, a couple uniquely themselves and wishing to be captured that way. Uniquely individual imagery that keeps me in love with my craft.
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